Grounding Statement
Our Vision
Vibrant Hawaiʻi is a growing community that commits to individual and collective ʻauamo kuleana to increase equitable opportunities to build wealth: a reservoir of human, social, cultural, and financial abundance that we contribute to and draw upon.
Our Mission
Our kuleana is to:
Convene conversations so that all waʻa travel toward a common goal
Build community awareness, will, and action from the foundation of our shared values
Shift deficit narratives, systems, and policy that perpetuate poverty and inequity, and,
Implement strategies that are developed and resourced by the community and reflect native intelligence.
Our Values
We value equity and belonging, and we demonstrate this by:
Being willing to let go of our assumptions and biases about each other,
Speaking up when we recognize barriers that prevent us from participating, prospering, and reaching our full potential,
Promoting full-family engagement and participation, and,
Raising our own and our collective belief that wealth, abundance, and prosperity is not a pie. More for others does not mean less for ourselves.
We value aloha, and we demonstrate this by:
Acknowledging that aloha is unique to Hawaiʻi. It is from this place. By valuing aloha, we value the vast and unique genius of the people of Hawaiʻi and we prioritize the knowledge, skills, and solutions of its people,
Recognizing that aloha is an action modeled to us by our environment, and we validate its aloha through aloha ʻāina, and,
Our willingness to suffer a little, so that no one has to suffer a lot.
We value ‘auamo kuleana, and we demonstrate this by:
A commitment to empowerment, rooted in our belief that everyone has skills and abilities but need circumstances and opportunities to express them,
Promoting language that recognizes a person’s abilities, and,
Shared ownership and accountability: if any one of us stumble we all fall because we are all connected.
We value flexibility and learning that lead to transformation, and we demonstrate this by:
Being honest without shame, when we don’t know,
Being courageous, adaptive leaders, even when it calls for difficult conversations and even when our outcomes look like failure,
Demonstrating ahonui and haʻahaʻa as we hold tension to achieve change, and,
Practicing makawalu and acknowledging that we each hold one piece that is part of something bigger.