How do we better prepare youth so that they are capable of meaningful, well-paying jobs to reverse diaspora? Who is already addressing this? What is needed (cross-sector collaboration, legislation, funding, community engagement) to achieve their goals?
These are the questions that Vibrant Hawaiʻi Youth Ambassadors and Workforce Development champions from across the State came together to explore on Wednesday, March 27th. Co-facilitated by Vibrant Hawaiʻi and Workforce Funders Collaborative, the convening focused on morning presentations from American Job Center, Good Jobs Hawaiʻi, Hawaiʻi P20, Hawaiʻi Community College, Kosasa Foundation, Office of Planning and Sustainable Development, Holomua Collective, Kamehameha Schools, Nā Leo TV, Kupu Natural Resources Sector Partnership, UH Hilo, UH System, and Vibrant Hawaiʻi.
In the afternoon, participants looked across the system to examine (4) key indicators where efforts are being concentrated, and where there are gaps in access or programming. Ambassadors offered strategies to increase youth engagement in initiatives, and reflections to shift measures of success and reverse diaspora.
At the close of the day, Vibrant Hawaiʻi Education Stream Chair, Farrah Marie Gomes, and Workforce Funders Collaborative Executive Director, Matt Stevens committed to hosting follow up exploration to share data across the network and engage youth as key contributors in strategy design and program execution. To learn more or to participate, email education@vibranthawaii.org.
The Workforce Development convening is 1 of 6 events being held in anticipation of the Mayor's Sustainability Summit, scheduled for May 3, 2024 at the
Outrigger Keauhou Resort.